AveHurley - Printpop.com ItemsOriginally from NYC, Ave Hurley has been painting and drawing all her life.Focusing on nature, Ave prefers to do land and seascapes during all seasons and recently began illustrating wildlife as well.. Her artwork is available online at many locations easily searchable including the auction sites and stores.http://www.printpop.com/AveHurley Hurley Point Lighthouse en-us http://www.printpop.com/6530&rss=1 <IMG border="0" src="http://www.printpop.com/thumbs/thumb_6530.jpg" alt="Hurley Point Lighthouse" title="Hurley Point Lighthouse"/> digital - Using Photoimpression Art Programming,paint,pencil,smudge& cloning tools I worked over 100 computer hours to create the digital painting. http://www.printpop.com/6530 Winter Barn en-us http://www.printpop.com/4526&rss=1 <IMG border="0" src="http://www.printpop.com/thumbs/thumb_4526.jpg" alt="Winter Barn" title="Winter Barn"/> Pen &ink water color - Originally a pen & ink illustration, then water colored over , Winter Barn is now available in print. http://www.printpop.com/4526 Lighthouse Road en-us http://www.printpop.com/4525&rss=1 <IMG border="0" src="http://www.printpop.com/thumbs/thumb_4525.jpg" alt="Lighthouse Road" title="Lighthouse Road"/> pencil - Lighthouse Road is a fantasy pencil drawing reminiscent of the New England coastline with its many light houses. http://www.printpop.com/4525 Lighthouse Point en-us http://www.printpop.com/4523&rss=1 <IMG border="0" src="http://www.printpop.com/thumbs/thumb_4523.jpg" alt=" Lighthouse Point" title=" Lighthouse Point"/> acrylic - Lighthouse Point is a fantasy pen & ink illustration. http://www.printpop.com/4523