What is a jpeg? From the official JPEG FAQ:
JPEG (pronounced "jay-peg") is a standardized image compression mechanism. JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the original name of the committee that wrote the standard.
What is a JPEG then?
A JPEG is basically a compressed image file. Most consumer digital cameras save images as JPEGs. The JPEG format is required for all Printpop.com image uploads.
How can Printpop.com create high-quality prints from compressed images?
Printpop.com uses proprietary software which greatly enhances the quality of JPEGS during the printing process. With this in mind, it is important to remember that Printpop.com can only do so much with low-resolution JPEGS. A 4.0 megapixel camera should output JPEGs at around 1.1 megabytes at highest resolution. This is the minimum file size requirement for poster-quality reproduction.
Before uploading a JPEG to Printpop.com, open it in your favorite image editing program (Printpop.com recommends Adobe Photoshop, commercial; or The GIMP, free) and view it at 100%. If the image looks grainy or lossy at 100%, then it will look at least as bad when printed in poster format. Grainy or lossy images will not be approved by our staff.
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